Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mohammed AL-Abdulla
                                                           To be successful in 2012 
  Meeting with both Michelle and Chelsea Jones at Signs of Life to discuss what things they needed to change in order to make them successful in 2012 was fun.
 Starting with Michelle, who explained her plans for success. she explained how she avoided things that affected her negatively in the past. For example,  “she got a good amount of sleep”, by going to bed early and she “walked to class, which gave her energy”. Another thing that helped her to be successful was avoiding caffeine as well as walking more than taking the bus. After that she mentioned being more intentional about which teachers she had chosen. Instead of picking a teacher randomly, she would pay attention to which ones she had chosen, and because of that she became to feel more satisfied and prepared. In the past she didn’t know that this was important.
The second lady interviewed was Chelsea Jones. She had started to avoid eating unhealthy food like chips, ice cream, fast food, and sugar. Another thing that she mentioned was that she spent more time with her self as well as exercising daily. She added that she now confronted problems directly instead of avoiding them and keeping her problems to herself.
For students in Avila University it was always good for them to learn different experiences from different people, so they could become successful in 2012. For example, They could start going to sleep early, focused more on their studies, eat healthy food, and walking to class instead of driving to class.
So, all these changes were good examples of how we all could change to become more successful in 2012.

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