Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mohammed AL-Abdulla

                     Success and creativity by Fisher and Avila University   

Yesterday Avila University and Steven Fischer presented the secret of success as well as the nature of creativity. Avila University and Steven Fisher said risk was important to being a success as well as creativity.
According to Fischer the secrets of success are from the risks that you take in life. He said that a way you could look at risk was seeing it as a challenge.
According to Avila University risk could not only be physical but in doing things like publishing books. Also, Avila University talked about how risk could be formed by looking at lots of things around you, which could be risky so you can know what to do to be successful. 

Fischer said about creativity that it is important to do whatever you like to do because in doing that you are the most creative. Unlike if somebody is telling you what to do.

Avila University said that creativity could be found by freeing your sprit. Also, we were encouraged to write on a piece of paper what things we wanted to do and from that you would know what you would be successful in.

According to students at Avila, we need to know how to make risky things successful for us as well as know how to be creative.

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