Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mohammed Al-Abdulla
                                English club progress

Today the English club has met at 11 to 12 pm at the theater building on the bottom floor in one of the room called Borserine. There are other new students who joined the English club.

According to the English organization they have couple of new stuffs that they are going to do. One of them is meeting with the international students on Tuesday. Also, when they meet the international student on Tuesday they will discuss literature with them. Moreover according the English club they will start digging into books that has interesting materials in it to make international student feel interest.

To know more about it, the new students have a strong impact about the plan that the English club is doing next week.

According to Joshua Murphy he said that today we have done lots of things today.  Also, according to Joshua he say that we had a big subject  to do to adjust that the need to do for the meeting next week  which will be for the foreign language literature. Moreover he feels that he as well as the staffs with him will be succeed in it.

About the topics of books that they have choose to read to the international student. According to Joshua Murphy he says that he and the members with him have choose good topics of books to talk about or to discuss with the international students.

According to Miri Duston is that she is satisfied that she and the English club members accomplish today. According to Miri Duston she wants to see what kind of things that will come out of with litsicecles that will be starting on Tuesday as well as working with the international students and students that who want to be more involve in English club seen and learn more about literature.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

 Mohammed AL-Abdulla

                            President’s day
Yesterday was a February 20th.  In the United States it was President’s day.  During that day people in the United States remember their president’s history and talk between each other about why it’s President day, or why it was supposed to be Washington’s Birthday not President day.
According to Google news, President’s day started in 1971. Also, it is made to celebrate the birthday of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln but also it meant to honor all the presidents.

 Moreover it is interesting to know more about why February the 20th is President’s day. According to a man named Victor and his girlfriend Mallory, the country needed a day to honor the people who took the leadership of the country.

According to Bradley Wilson and Erin miller, it is President’s day because it is close to Washington birthday as well as Lincoln’s birthday. Also, according to Bradley Wilson and Erin Miller  it is good to have a presidency day so people who live in the United states appreciate what the governments of the U,S.A have done. 


Some people say that it was supposed to just be a celebration of Washington’s Birthday, not a President’s day.
According to “The Los Angles times” it is not a President’s or a national day, it is supposed to be Washington’s Birthday because his birth date is close to February the twentieth. “The Los Angles Times” also stated that there was confusion about what the day was actually for which lead to it being called President’s day.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mohammed AL-Abdulla
                                                           To be successful in 2012 
  Meeting with both Michelle and Chelsea Jones at Signs of Life to discuss what things they needed to change in order to make them successful in 2012 was fun.
 Starting with Michelle, who explained her plans for success. she explained how she avoided things that affected her negatively in the past. For example,  “she got a good amount of sleep”, by going to bed early and she “walked to class, which gave her energy”. Another thing that helped her to be successful was avoiding caffeine as well as walking more than taking the bus. After that she mentioned being more intentional about which teachers she had chosen. Instead of picking a teacher randomly, she would pay attention to which ones she had chosen, and because of that she became to feel more satisfied and prepared. In the past she didn’t know that this was important.
The second lady interviewed was Chelsea Jones. She had started to avoid eating unhealthy food like chips, ice cream, fast food, and sugar. Another thing that she mentioned was that she spent more time with her self as well as exercising daily. She added that she now confronted problems directly instead of avoiding them and keeping her problems to herself.
For students in Avila University it was always good for them to learn different experiences from different people, so they could become successful in 2012. For example, They could start going to sleep early, focused more on their studies, eat healthy food, and walking to class instead of driving to class.
So, all these changes were good examples of how we all could change to become more successful in 2012.

Mohammed AL-Abdulla

                     Success and creativity by Fisher and Avila University   

Yesterday Avila University and Steven Fischer presented the secret of success as well as the nature of creativity. Avila University and Steven Fisher said risk was important to being a success as well as creativity.
According to Fischer the secrets of success are from the risks that you take in life. He said that a way you could look at risk was seeing it as a challenge.
According to Avila University risk could not only be physical but in doing things like publishing books. Also, Avila University talked about how risk could be formed by looking at lots of things around you, which could be risky so you can know what to do to be successful. 

Fischer said about creativity that it is important to do whatever you like to do because in doing that you are the most creative. Unlike if somebody is telling you what to do.

Avila University said that creativity could be found by freeing your sprit. Also, we were encouraged to write on a piece of paper what things we wanted to do and from that you would know what you would be successful in.

According to students at Avila, we need to know how to make risky things successful for us as well as know how to be creative.

state of union speech

 The State of the Union was impressive; it clearly explained the policies that the president would like to use to help the problems that Americans have been worried about. The president encouraged acting together as a team.
The first theme was sharing responsibility through taxes. For example, everybody will pay the same percentage of taxes, not excluding the rich.
Another idea was creating jobs within the country, minimizing international dependence. Instead of USA investing in business outside the country, the business would be invested inside it to benefit the people here.
The final important idea was education. For example, helping to make school tuitions more affordable for the general public and improving education to help citizens improve knowledge.
According to Lauren who believes that the president is right to ask both parties to work together and that if people put aside their differences, things happen. She was in favor of fair tax percentages and also mentioned approving of creating jobs here by making outsourcing more difficult and less profitable.
 If jobs move back to the states it will create more opportunity for Avila students. Also, if the tuition fees for education decrease, families will be more able to afford to send their children to school. Focus on creative and effective education will help new generations become more effective in global society.