Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mohammed AL-Abdulla
           English club are focusing on international students.
According to the English club members and leadership, as of February 28, they are all still working on ideas for how to get the international students interested and involved in the English club. Also, in making different activities or think in different ways to get international students involved.

 According to Kat High, the president of the English club, she and her staff are still working on bringing international students to the English club. Also, according the president of the English club, they are starting a new sub group within the English club called Lead Circle. This group will start off by focusing on literature and also on learning more about culture and language through culture. According to the president of the English club is by learning more about culture and language it help us in brining the international students to the English club.

According to a member of the staff of the English club who’s name is Felicia, right now the club’s main focus is working on increasing the membership of the English club with a diverse group of both native English speaking students and international students. Also, according to Felicia, they are trying to get more activities lined up to get the entire campus more interested in and involved with the English club, hoping that this too will boost their numbers.

According to Renee, another staff member of the English club, they will be starting on a lead circle to engage international students in the club. They hope to do this through the use of fairytales and also just general discussion about that and other sources of literature.

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